BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee Medical Policy Manual

Piezoelectric Sensor Analysis and Oscillating Force Delivered Vertebral Adjustment in the Evaluation and Treatment of the Spinal Column


 Piezoelectric sensor (i.e., piezoelectric accelerometer) technology, e.g., Pro-Adjuster®, S.M.A.R.T. Adjuster®, is a computer-assisted instrument-based assessment and treatment approach for the spinal column proposed for use in individuals receiving chiropractic care. The analysis function of the device reportedly isolates and identifies vertebral segments with resistance and frequency response that are considered outside normal parameters. Each region of the spine is analyzed separately, and the results are recorded and graphically displayed on a computer screen. The waveform presented reportedly indicates the degree of rigidity.

After the analytical phase, the device calculates the adjustment frequency and applies low-force, resonance percussive impulses to the selected spinal segment. The software automatically stops when tissue compliance has responded according to the set parameters. The spinal region is rescanned to determine the response of the individual to treatment. If indicated, the area can be re-treated.




There is an absence of peer-reviewed literature demonstrating the effectiveness of piezoelectric sensor (i.e., piezoelectric accelerometer) technology in the treatment and evaluation of the spinal column. Comparative studies of this technology to current standard chiropractic treatments are not available.



Council on Chiropractic Practice. (2016). Clinical practice guideline: chiropractic care for low back pain. Retrieved February 19, 2019 from 

International Chiropractors Association. (2013). Best practices & practice guidelines; chapter 3: choice of chiropractic technique. Retrieved December 14, 2023 from

U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (1997, January). Center for Devices and Radiological Health. 501(k) Premarket Notification Database. K962239. Retrieved September 16, 2010 from 




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