Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is defined as a platelet-rich concentrate with platelet levels greater than the baseline platelet count in whole blood. This autologous derived substance is also referred to as autologous platelet-derived growth factors, platelet gel, platelet-rich concentrate, autogenous platelet gel, or platelet releasate. PRP has been proposed for the treatment of multiple conditions to enhance healing; however, the role that white blood cells may play is particularly unclear. Furthermore, PRP preparations are not standardized and exhibit wide variability in platelet and white blood cell concentrations and the use of thrombin activators. Some providers combine platelet-rich plasma with adipose cells, in addition, other agents may be added to the mix; the solution is then injected into various locations on the body. Some providers refer to this procedure as “fat graft stem cell treatment”.
Platelet rich plasma for the treatment of all conditions/diseases, including, but not limited to, wound healing is considered investigational.
Any specific products referenced in this policy are just examples and are intended for illustrative purposes only. It is not intended to be a recommendation of one product over another and is not intended to represent a complete listing of all products available. These examples are contained in the parenthetical e.g. statement.
We develop Medical Policies to provide guidance to Members and Providers. This Medical Policy relates only to the services or supplies described in it. The existence of a Medical Policy is not an authorization, certification, explanation of benefits, or a contract for the service (or supply) that is referenced in the Medical Policy. For a determination of the benefits that a Member is entitled to receive under his or her health plan, the Member's health plan must be reviewed. If there is a conflict between the Medical Policy and a health plan or government program (e.g., TennCare), the express terms of the health plan or government program will govern.
Current results of trials using PRP are mixed, and the studies are limited in both size and quality. The evidence is insufficient to determine the effects of this technology on health outcomes.
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Fitzpatrick, J., Bulsara, M., & Zheng, M. (2017). The effectiveness of platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of tendinopathy: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 45 (1), 226-233. Abstract retrieved September 23, 2019 from PubMed database.
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Kuang, M., Han, C., Ma, J., Li, F., Zhao, J., Fu, L., & Ma, X. (2016). The efficacy of intraoperative autologous platelet gel in total knee arthroplasty: a meta-analysis. International Journal of Surgery, 36 (pt A), 56-65. (Level 1 evidence)
Ling, Y. & Wang, S. (2018). Effects of platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of plantar fasciitis: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Medicine, 97 (37), e12110. (Level 2 evidence)
Lopez-Jornet, P., Sanchez Perez, A., Mendes, A., & Tobias, A. (2016). Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw: Is autologous platelet concentrate application effective for prevention and treatment? A systematic review. Journal Craniomaxillofacial Surgery, 44 (8), 1067-1072. Abstract retrieved November 11, 2016 from PubMed database.
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Suthar, M. Gupta, S., Bukhari, S., & Ponemone, V. (2017). Treatment of chronic non-healing ulcers using autologous platelet rich plasma: a case series. Journal of Biomedical Science, 24 (16). (Level 4 evidence)
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Policies included in the Medical Policy Manual are not intended to certify coverage availability. They are medical determinations about a particular technology, service, drug, etc. While a policy or technology may be medically necessary, it could be excluded in a member's benefit plan. Please check with the appropriate claims department to determine if the service in question is a covered service under a particular benefit plan. Use of the Medical Policy Manual is not intended to replace independent medical judgment for treatment of individuals. The content on this Web site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice in any way. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider if you have questions regarding a medical condition or treatment.
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