Log in to find personalized care
When you log in to your account, you can access your personal details, search doctors near you and calculate costs for care based on the details of your plan.
See doctors & providers in your network
A network is the group of doctors, hospitals and other providers available to you at a discounted member rate.
Estimate your health care & dental costs
Connect to doctors remotely with telehealth
Log in as a Member
How to find care
Want help finding care in your network? This video walks you through how to look up doctors, hospitals, pharmacies and even estimate costs for care based on your plan.

How to find care
Want help finding care in your network? This video walks you through how to look up doctors, hospitals, pharmacies and even estimate costs for care based on your plan.
Committed to your health
Our BlueCross Performance Rating can help you compare and choose primary care providers based on how well they meet health & wellness standards, deliver efficient care and manage your total care.